Our Committee Chairs
The leadership of our Chapter is more than just our officers and directors. These are the ladies that help make everything run smoothly and allow us to make an impact on our community!
If you are interested in chairing or joining a committee, we’d love to talk to you about becoming a chapter leader! Email us nawicgreenvillesc@gmail.com today or talk to us at the next event!

Caitlin Baker
Membership Chair
The Membership Chair leads the new member recruitment efforts. She also initiates new members to the chapter, strategizes with other committee chairs to retain members, helps get members involved in chapter events and committees, and works to ensure members are getting the most out of their membership in NAWIC. You can reach out to Caitlin at nawic104membership@gmail.com

This could be you!
PD&E Chair
The Professional Development & Education (PD&E) Chair leads the initiative to provide members with activities that promote growth and learning during our monthly events. She networks and finds speakers willing to provide presentations, schedules job site tours, finds and distributes webinars, and helps our members find other new ways to learn and develop.

Julie Goode
Marketing Chair
The Marketing Chair oversees Website updates and leads the charge on our social media platforms to inform the community that our NAWIC chapter is here to support them. She is responsible for keeping the online NAWIC presence up-to-date. Working closely with the other chairs, she creates advertisements for events and other marketing materials.

Suzanne Childs
Scholarship Chair
The Scholarship Chair leads the initiative to meet our commitment to provide educational assistance to those who will follow us into the construction industry. She works with educational institutions to advertise our applications for scholarships, and then working with the Scholarship Committee, she approves their recommendation for award and presents the recipient with a scholarship check.

Paula Logan
Hospitality Chair
The Hospitality Chair leads our chapter’s efforts to ensure all our members feel valued and welcome. Working closely with our Membership Chair, she sends birthday/anniversary cards, hosts meet and greets with new members, helps guests feel welcome at meetings and handles RSVP’s for events.

Jessica Palmer
Strategic Planning Chair
The Strategic Planning Chair leads the entire chapter in getting organized for the upcoming year. She provides guidance in creating clear goals and directs the board members in defining how those goals can be achieved. Once the plan is in place, she communicates it to the membership and monitors it to make sure we’re reaching our goals.

This could be you!
Ways and Means Chair
The Ways and Means Chair, working closely with our Treasurer and Marketing Chair, organizes all of our fundraising efforts. She plans, organizes, and manages any fundraising events we may have. All fundraising efforts go to support our Chapter in achieving our core purpose: To strengthen and amplify the success of women in the construction industry.

Elizabeth Monts
Chapter Sponsorship Chair
The Chapter Sponsorship Chair, working closely with our Treasurer, organizes the efforts of our friends and neighbors to support our Chapter in achieving our core purpose: To strengthen and amplify the success of women in the construction industry. Managing the task of getting sponsors, and promoting those who support us, she helps our allies who help our chapter thrive.

This could be you!
Bylaws Chair
The Bylaws Chair assists our chapter leadership by learning the bylaws, standing rules, and guidelines. She is on hand to answer questions and ensure our chapter is in compliance with our standards and those of the National Association.

Darlene Wiles-Reed
NEF Block Kids Chair
The Block Kids Chair leads our efforts to bring awareness of construction (and women in construction) to the children in our community. This event usually takes place at a local school and provides a friendly competition for the children to construct something of their own. Local winners move to the Regional level and then the National level in coordination with the NAWIC Education Foundation (NEF) and other NAWIC Chapters around the country.

This could be you!
NEF Design Drafting Chair
The Design Drafting Chair leads our efforts to bring awareness of construction (and women in construction) to the older students in our community. In conjunction with the NAWIC Education Foundation (NEF) she organizes a drafting competition for high school and college level students. This introduces construction in a positive and challenging manner, while fosters a sense of self-worth and building confidence.

Kavita Borsum
WIC Week Chair
The Women In Construction (WIC) Week chair organizes our Chapter’s events for the week in March when NAWIC nationally celebrates Women in Construction. This week is dedicated to bringing awareness of women in the industry, letting the community know our local chapter is here to support them, and celebrating the women in our chapter!

This could be you!
Emerging Professionals Chair
The Emerging Professionals Chair leads students and those new to the construction industry into our NAWIC chapter and supports their journey through the beginnings of their career. She is responsible for helping them met others in the chapter that might be good networking contacts or mentors and providing them with guidance as requested.

This could be you!
OSHA Alliance / Safety Chair
The OSHA and NAWIC Alliance was signed in 2013. The OSHA Alliance and Safety Chair uploads this agreement by providing our members and guests with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect the health and safety of workers in the construction industry.

This could be you!
Have An Idea ?
We encourage those with ideas for other committee Chair positions to let us know! We’re always looking for other ways to connect with our community and promote women in construction! Send us an email or talk with us at an upcoming event – we’d love to hear from you!